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Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Glénan (Réseau de surveillance benthique - Région Bretagne) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Blanchet, Aline; Hamon, Dominique.
Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in 2000 to monitor the aftermath of the "Erika" oil spill in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge about coastal benthic habitats and constitute a monitoring tool to detect changes at various scales over time and space. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters through a combination of geoacoustic marine systems and ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Sedimentological and biological results on Glenan area emphasize a great diversity of subtidal habitats and marine species recognized. Sidescan...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haploops; Maerl; Bedforms; Bedload transport; Communities; Benthic macrofauna; Sidescan sonar; Habitats mapping; Glenan; Rebent; Haploops; Maërl; Figures sédimentaires; Dynamique sédimentaire; Peuplements; Macrofaune benthique; Sonar latéral; Cartographie d'habitats; Glénan; Rebent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Food web structures of subtidal benthic muddy habitats: evidence of microphytobenthos contribution supported by an engineer species ArchiMer
Rigolet, Carinne; Thiebaut, Eric; Dubois, Stanislas.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition (delta C-13 and delta N-15) of benthic organisms was investigated to understand the effects of a gregarious tubicolous amphipod species (Haploops nirae) on benthic food web structures and test whether drastic changes in species composition cause changes in food web structure. The habitat engineered by this species was sampled and compared with the adjacent uncolonized Amphiura filiformis muddy habitat in winter and summer. The isotopic signatures of macrofaunal and megafaunal species associated with both habitats were analysed along with potential food sources at each sampling period. Similar food web structures for each habitat (and each season), with high delta N-15 ranges spanning over 3 trophic levels,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stable isotopes; Gregarious amphipod; Source contribution; Haploops; Benthic diatoms; Navicula.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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New evidence of perfect overlapping of Haploops and pockmarks field: Is it a coincidence? ArchiMer
Champilou, Jean-baptiste; Baltzer, Agnes; Murat, Anne; Reynaud, Marine; Maillet, Grégoire M.; Nardelli, Maria Pia; Metzger, Édouard.
In the shallow waters of the Bay of Concarneau (South Brittany, France), previous studies reported a dense settlement of the species Haploops (tube-dwelling bioengineer amphipod) that perfectly overlaps a field of pockmarks. A possible mechanistic link may therefore exist between the Haploops colonies and the shallow pockmarks. To test this hypothesis, interferometry sonar and sub-bottom profiler chirp data were acquired in two new areas located in the marine estuary of the Loire River, “La Lambarde” and “Le Croisic”. The new sites share the same sedimentary and geological characteristics as those found in the Bay of Concarneau. The three sites are similarly located in shallow and muddy environments above a faulted Middle Eocene formation that is incised...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shallow waters; South Brittany (France); Geophysics; Pockmarks; Haploops.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Role of pockmarks in diversity and species assemblages of coastal macrobenthic communities ArchiMer
Dubois, Stanislas; Derian, Francois; Caisey, Xavier; Rigolet, Carinne; Caprais, Jean-claude; Thiebaut, Eric.
We used existing bathymetric data to study the macrofauna of a geophysical pockmark field restricted to a benthic habitat engineered by the tubiculous amphipod Haploops nirae in South Brittany (France). Stations inside and outside pockmarks of different morphometric characteristics (location, size, depression depth) were sampled for macrofauna and environmental parameters (sediment characteristics, organic matter, chl a, hydrogen sulfide and methane concentrations). Diversity indices showed higher species richness inside pockmarks, especially for species with medium to high abundances. Most sediment cores showed low methane but high hydrogen sulfide concentrations. We hypothesised that after eruption, the remaining residual methane from pockmark sediments...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic habitat; Biodiversity; Succession; Amphipod; Haploops; South Brittany; Sulfide; Methane; Environmental factors.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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